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The Hubert Wenger Bibliography of First Contacts and Observations Of Inuit/Eskimo People


Amundsen, Roald E. G.

Anderson, Rudolph Martin

Anderson, Wanni W.

  •  1974 /75 Song Duel of the Kobuk River Eskimo. Folk 16-17:73-81.

Astrup, Eivind

  •   1896 In the Land of the Northernmost Eskimo. Translated from the Norwegian by Carl Siewers. Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art , n.s. 63(5):593-605.
  •    1898 With Peary near the Pole. Translated from the Norwegian by H. J. Bull. London: C. Arthur Pearson, pp. 9-12, 48-173, 264-362.


Babcock, William H.

Balikci, Asen

  • 1970 The Netsilik Eskimo. Garden City, New York: Natural History Press for the American Museum of Natural History, Foreword by Margaret Mead, pp. [xi]-xii; Preface, pp. [xiii]-xiv; Introduction, pp. [xv]-xxiv; pp. 1-245; Bibliography, pp. [247]-249; Illus.

Beaglehole, J. C. editor

  • 1967 The Journals of Captain James Cook on His Voyages of Discovery: III, The Voyage of the Resolution and Discovery, 1776-1780. Vol. 3 in two parts. Cambridge: University Press, Part One, pp. 333-471; Illus.

Beechey, Frederick W.

Bernier, J. E.

Bessels, Emil

Best, George

  • 1867a The Fyrst Booke of the First Voyage of Martin Frobisher, Esquier, Captayne Generall for the Discoverie of the Passage To Cataya and the East India, by the Northweast, First Attempted in Anno Dom. 1576, the 15. of May. In Richard Collinson, compiler, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher  London: Hakluyt Society, 1st series, vol. 38, pp. 72-75. See Collinson.
  • 1867b A True Reporte of Such Things as Hapned in the Second Voyage of Captayne Frobysher, Pretended for the Discoverie of a New Passage to Cataya, China, and the East India, by the North West. Anno Do. 1577. In Richard Collinson, compiler, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher London: Hakluyt Society, 1st series, vol. 38, pp. 127-151. See Collinson.

Bilby, Julian W.

Birket-Smith Kaj

  • 1918 The Greenland Bow. Meddelelser om Grønland 56(1):[3]-25; Literature, pp. 26-28; Illus.
  • 1924 Ethnography of the Egedesminde District with Aspects of the General Culture of West Greenland. Translated from the Danish by Aslaug Mikkelsen. Meddelelser om Grønland 66:[3]-459; Bibliography, pp. [460]-473; Additions and Corrections, pp. [474]-476; p. 484; Illus.
  • 1929a The Caribou Eskimos: Material and Social Life and Their Cultural Position. Descriptive Part. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24, vol. 5, pt. 1,pp. [7]-306; Illus.
  • 1929b The Caribou Eskimos: Material and Social Life and Their Cultural Position. Analytical Part. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24, vol. 5, pt. 2, pp. 5-380; Abbreviations, pp. 381-382; Bibliography, pp. 383-416; Corrections, p. [420]; Illus.
  • 1936 The Eskimos. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert; revised translation by C. Daryll Forde. London: Methuen, pp. 1-223; Appendix I, Summary of Eskimo Tribal Groups, pp. 225-226; Appendix II, Rul Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert; revised translation by C. Daryll Forde. London: Methuen, pp. 1-223; Appendix I, Summary of Eskimo Tribal Groups, pp. 225-226; Appendix II, Rules of Pronunciation, pp. 226-227; Appendix III, Bibliography, pp. 227-239; Illus.
  • 1941 Early Collections from the Pacific Eskimo. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. In Ethnographical Studies Published on the Occasion of the Centenary of the Ethnographical Department, National Museum. Nationalmuseets Skrifter, Etnografisk Række I, pp. [121]-159; Notes, pp. 160-163; Illus.
  • 1945 Ethnographical Collections from the Northwest Passage. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24, vol. 6, pt. 2, pp. [7]-286; Bibliography, pp. [287]-291; Illus.
  • 1953 The Chugach Eskimo. Nationalmuseets Skrifter: Etnografisk Række 6, pp. 1-234; Appendices, pp. [235]-251; Bibliography, pp. [252]-261; Illus.
  • 1959 The Earliest Eskimo Portraits. Folk 1:5-13; Notes, pp. 13-14; Illus.
  • 1974 /75 Wergild in Northwestern America and Its Old-World Relations. Folk 16-17:271-274; Notes, pp. 275-276; Bibliography, pp. 276-281.

Bistrup, Anna

  • 1911 Eskimo Women in Greenland. Century Magazine 82:668-674; Illus.

Black, Lydia T.

  • 1983 Eskimo Motifs in Aleut Art and Folklore. Études/Inuit/Studies 7(1):3-18; References, pp. 19-23.
  • 1987 Whaling in the Aleutians. Études/Inuit/Studies 11(2):7-41; Appendix, pp. 42-43; References, pp. 44-50; Illus. Black, Lydia T. translator and editor
  • 1977 The Konyag (the Inhabitants of the Island of Kodiak) by Iosaf [Bolotov] (1794-1799) and by Gideon (1804-1807). Arctic Anthropology 14(2):79-107; References, 107-108; Illus.

Boas, Franz

Bockstoce, J. R.

Bogoras, Waldemar

  • 1904 -1909 The Chukchee. In The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. 7, edited by Franz Boas, and Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 11. Part 1, Material Culture (1904), pp. 1-276; Part 2, Religion (1907), pp. 277-536; Part 3, Social Organization (1909), pp. 537-733. Leyden: A. J. Brill; and New York: A. Stechert; Illus.
  • 1913 The Eskimo of Siberia. In The Jesup North Pacific Expedition, Vol. 8, edited by Franz Boas, and Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 12, Part 3, pp. 419-456. Leyden: A. J. Brill and New York: A. Stechert. Illus.

Brill, A. A.

Brower, Charles

Bruce, Miner W.

Bryant, Henry G.

  • 1896 Notes on the Most Northern Eskimos. Report of the Sixth International Geographical Congress, London, 1895, pp. 677-684.

Burch, Ernest S., Jr.


Cantwell, John C.

Clark, Donald W.

Collinson, Richard (compiler)

Comer, George

  • 1910 A Geographical Description of Southampton Island and Notes upon the Eskimo. Bulletin of the American Geographical Society 42(1):84-90; map. Illus.
  • 1921 Notes . . . on the Natives of the Northwestern Shores of Hudson Bay. American Anthropologist, n.s. 23(2):243-244.

Cook, Frederick A.

  • 1894a Gynecology and Obstetrics among the Eskimo. Brooklyn Medical Journal 8:154-169.
  • 1894b Medical Observations among the Esquimaux. New York Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 4:282-286; Editorial, Dr. Cook among the Esquimaux, pp. 287-289.

Cook, James—see Beaglehole, J. C. (editor).

Cranz, David

Cumming, John R.


Davydov, Gavriil Ivanovich

Doty, William F.

  • 1900 The Eskimo on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. In Ninth Annual Report on Introduction of Domestic Reindeer in Alaska . . . 1899, compiled by Sheldon Jackson. Washington: Government Printing Office, pp. 186-223.


Egede, Hans

Ekblaw, Walter Elmer

  • 1919 The Food-Birds of the Smith Sound Eskimos. Wilson Bulletin 106; Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 31(1):1-5 (n.s. vol. 26).
  • 1920a A Recent Eskimo Migration and Its Forerunner. The Geographical Review New York. 9(2):142-144.
  • 1920b The Plant Food of the Smith Sound Eskimos. The Geographical Review New York. 10(2):112- 113.
  • 1921 The Ecological Relations of the Polar Eskimo. Ecology Brooklyn, New York. 2(2):132-144. Illus.
  • 1926 The Polar Eskimo: Their Land and Life. Ph.D. dissertation, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, pp. 1-184; Bibliography, pp. 185-188; Illus.
  • 1927 /28 The Material Response of the Polar Eskimo to Their Far Arctic Environment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Albany, New York. 17(4):147-198 and 18(1):1-24; Illus.
  • 1932 Thin Ice. In Told at the Explorer’s Club: True Tales of Modern Exploration, edited by Frederick A. Blossom. London: George G. Harrap, pp. 86-92.
  • 1947 Distribution of Settlement among the Polar Eskimo. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 8(3):39-43.
  •  1948 Significance of Movement among the Polar Eskimo. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society 10(1):1-4.

Ellis, Henry

Emmons, George T.


Feilden, Henry W.

Fienup-Riordan, Ann

  • 1986 The Real People: The Concept of Personhood among the Yup’ik Eskimos of Western Alaska. Études/Inuit/Studies 10(1-2):261-269; References, pp. 269-270.
  • 1988 The Yup’ik Eskimos as Described in the Travel Journals and Ethnographic Accounts of John and Edith Kilbuck, 1885-1900. Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, pp. ix-xv, 1- 86, 88-89, 97-100, 117, 119-123, 126-136, 138-139, 146-147, 153-164, 169-182, 196-197, 202-207, 210-211, 216-218, 220, , 256-257, 277-284, 292, 294, 296-297, 304-307, 312, 315- 317, 320, 323-326, 338-340, 342, 353-354, 359-360, 364, 373-374, 377-392, 396-398, 402- 410, 430-431, 435-443; Endnotes, pp. [453]-494; Appendices, pp. 496-514; Bibliography, pp. [515]-522; Illus.

Figgins, Jesse Dade

  • 1900 -1902 Some Food Birds of the Eskimo of Northwestern Greenland. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York 13-14:61-65.

Fisher, Alexander

Freeman, Milton M. R.

  • 1968 Eskimo Thanking-acts in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. Folk 10:25-28; Literature, p. 28.

Freuchen, Peter

Frobisher, Martin—see Best, George, and Lok, Michael

  • 1898 An Eskimo “Kashim.” American Anthropologist 11(2):55-58.



Garber, Clark McKinley

Geist, Otto W., and Froelich G. Rainey

  • 1936 Archaeological Excavation at Kukulik, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: Preliminary Report. Miscellaneous Publications, University of Alaska, Vol. II. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, pp. 1-322; Appendix I, The Punuk Island Group, Bering Sea, Alaska, by Otto William Geist, pp. 323-328; Illus.

Giddings, James L.

Giffen, Naomi Musmaker

Gilder, William H.

Gordon, George Byron

  • 1906 Notes on the Western Eskimo. Transactions of the Department of Archaeology, University of Pennsylvania Museum Philadelphia. 2(1):69-97; List of Plates, pp. 99-101; Illus.

Graah, Wilhelm A.

Gubser, Nicholas J.

Guemple, Lee

  • 1986 Men and Women, Husbands and Wives: The Role of Gender in Traditional Inuit Society. Études/Inuit/Studies 10:9-23; References, pp. 23-24.


Hall, Charles Francis

Hansen, Godfred

  • 1908 Towards King Haakon VII’s Land. Supplement in Roald E. G. Amundsen, Roald Amundsens’s “Northwest Passage.” New York: E. P. Dutton; and London: A. Constable, Vol. II, pp. 296-364. See Amundsen, 1908b.

Hawkes, Ernest William

Hayes, I. I.

Healy, M. A.

Hearne, Samuel

Heizer, Robert F.

Hendrik, Hans

Hertz, Ole

  • 1968 Plant Utilization in a West Greenland Hunting Community. Folk 10:37-44. Illus.

Hoffman, Walter J.

Holm, Gustav Frederik

Holmberg, Heinrich Johan

  • 1985 The Koniags. In Holmberg’s Ethnographic Sketches. Translated from the German by Fritz Jaensch; edited by Marvin W. Falk. The Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series I. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, pp. 35-61; Illus.

Holtved, Erik

  • 1963 Tôrnârssuk, an Eskimo Deity. Folk 5:157-171; Literature Cited, pp. 171-172.

Holtved, Erik editor

  • 1962 Otto Fabricius’ Ethnographical Works. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Introduction by William Thalbitzer. Meddelelser om Grønland Copenhagen. 140(2):4-139; Illus.

Honigmann, Irma, and John Honigmann

Hough, Walter

  • 1898a The Lamp of the Eskimo. In Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for 1896: Report of the U.S. National Museum No. 164. Washington: Government Printing Office, pp. 1027-1056; Illus.
  • 1898b The Origin and Range of the Eskimo Lamp. American Anthropologist 11(4):116-122.

Hovey, Edmund Otis

  • 1918 Child-life among the Smith Sound Eskimos. The American Museum of Natural History Journal New York 18(5):361-371; Illus.

Howard, William L.

  • 1900 Expedition to Point Barrow . . . In George M. Stoney, Naval Explorations in Alaska. 2nd edition. Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institute, Chapter X, pp. 66-77; map. See Stoney.

Howe, G. P.

  • 1909 Medical Notes on Northern Alaska. In Ejnar Mikkelsen, Conquering the Arctic Ice. London: W. Heineman, appendix III, pp. 451-455. See Mikkelsen.

Hrdlička, Aleš

  • 1930 Anthropological Survey in Alaska. In Forty-sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology . . ., 1928-29. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, pp. 66-123, 161-213; Bibliography, pp. 367-374; Illus.

Hughes, Charles Campbell

Hutton, Samuel King


Irving, Laurence


Jackson, Sheldon

Jenness, Diamond

  • 1917 The Copper Eskimos. The Geographical Review 4(2):81-91; illus.; map. Illus.
  •  1921a The “Blond” Eskimos. American Anthropologist n.s. 23(3):257-267.
  •  1921b The Cultural Transformation of the Copper Eskimo. The Geographical Review 11(4):541-550; map. Illus.
  •  1922a Eskimo Art. The Geographical Review 12(2):161-174; Illus.
  • 1922b The Life of the Copper Eskimos. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 [Southern Party, 1913-16], vol. XII(A). Ottawa: F. A. Acland, pp. 5-6, 9-242; Appendix, pp. 243-249; Bibliography, pp. 250-251; Plates, pp. 253-267; Illus.
  • 1928 The People of the Twilight. New York: Macmillan, pp. xi-xii; 1-247; Illus.
  • 1946 Material Culture of the Copper Eskimo. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 [Southern Party, 1913-16], vol. XVI. Ottawa: Edmund Cloutie, pp. 1-148; illus. Illus.
  • 1953 Stray Notes on the Eskimo of Arctic Alaska. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 1(2):5-13.

Jensen, Bent

  • 1961 Folkways of Greenland Dog-Keeping. Folk 3:43-64; Literature, pp. 64-66; Illus.
  • 1963 Notes on an Eskimo ‘Thanking Act,’ Folk 5:187-197; Literature, pp. 197-198; illus. Illus.

Jochelson, Waldemar


Kane, Elisha Kent

Kelly, John W.

Khromchenko, V. S.

  • 1973 V. S. Khromchenko’s Coastal Explorations in Southwestern Alaska, 1822. Translated from the Russian by David H. Kraus; edited by James W. VanStone. Fieldiana: Anthropology, Vol. 64. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History, Preface, [1]-3; Introduction, [4]-34; Notes, 35-36; References, 37-39; Excerpts from the Journal of Vasiliy Stepanovich Khromchenko on his Voyage of 1822, [42]-85; Notes, pp. [86]-93; References, [94]-95; Illus.

Kjellström, Rolf

Kleivan, Inge

  • 1971 Song Duels in West Greenland Joking Relationship and Avoidance. Folk 13:9-33; Notes, pp. 33-34; Literature, pp. 34-36; illus. Illus.

Knuth, Eigil

  • 1963 Singajuk’s Family Saga. Folk 5:209-218; illus. Illus.

Koch, Lauge

  • 1922 Ethnographical Observations from the Southern Coast of Washington Land. American Anthropologist n.s. 24(4):484-487.

Koranda, Lorraine D.

  •  1964 Some Traditional Songs of the Alaskan Eskimos. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 12(1):17-32; Bibliography, p. 32. Illus.
  • 1968 Three Songs for the Bladder Festival, Hooper Bay. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 14(1):27-31; References Used, p. 31. Illus.

Kotzebue, Otto von

Kroeber, Alfred L

  • 1899a Tales of the Smith Sound Eskimo. Journal of American Folk-Lore 12(46):166-182.
  • 1899b The Eskimo of Smith Sound. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 12, pt. 21, pp. 265-321; Appendix: Comparative Vocabulary of Angakoq Language, New York pp. 322-327; .Illus.

Kumlien, Ludwig


Lantis, Margaret

  • 1938a The Mythology of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Journal of American Folk-Lore 51(200):123-169; Bibliography, pp. 170-172.
  • 1938b The Alaskan Whale Cult and Its Affinities. American Anthropologist n.s. 40(3):438- 462; Bibliography, pp. 462-464.
  • 1940 Note on the Alaskan Whale Cult and Its Affinities. American Anthropologist n.s. 42(2, part 1):366-368.
  • 1946 The Social Culture of the Nunivak EskimoTransactions of the American Philosophical Society n.s. vol. 35, pt. 3, pp. 153, 156-316; Appendices, 317-320; References, p. 321; illus.; maps. Philadelphia. Illus.
  • 1947 Alaskan Eskimo Ceremonialism. American Ethnological Society, Monograph 11. New York: J. J. Augustin, pp. ix-xiii, 1-121; Bibliography, pp. 123-127; maps. Illus.
  • 1953 Nunivak Eskimo Personality as Revealed in the Mythology. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 2(1):109-168; Appendices, pp. 168-173; Bibliography, pp. 173- 174.
  • 1959 Folk Medicine and Hygiene: Lower Kuskokwim and Nunivak-Nelson Island Areas. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 8(1):1-55; Appendix A-D, pp. 57-74; Bibliography, pp. 74-75; map. Illus.

Larsen, Helge

  • 1969 /70 Some Examples of Bear Cult among the Eskimo and Other Northern Peoples. Folk 11-12:27-40; Notes, pp. 41-42; Illus.

Laughlin, William S.

  • 1952 The Aleut-Eskimo Community. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 1(1):25-41; Bibliography, pp. 42-43; Plates, pp. 44-46. Illus.

Lisiansky, Urey

Lok, Michael

  • 1867 East India by the Northwestw[ard]. In Richard Collinson, compiler, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher . . . London: Hakluyt Society, 1st series, vol. 38, State Papers Subsequent to the First Voyage , pp. [81]-87. See Collinson.

Low, Albert P.

Lucier, Charles

Lutz, John E.

Lyon, George Francis


M’Keevor, Thomas

MacMillan, Donald B.

  • 1918 Food Supply of the Smith Sound Eskimos: A Story of Primitive Life Maintained on the Natural Resources of a Frozen Arctic Land and Sea. The American Museum of Natural History Journal New York 18(3):161-176. Illus.

Markham, Clements R.

Marsh, Gordon H.

Mathiassen, Therkel

Mauss, Marcel, and Henri Beuchat

McLenegan, S. B.

Michael, Henry N. editor

Mickey, Barbara Harris

Mikkelsen, Ejnar

  • 1909 Conquering the Arctic Ice. London: W. Heinemann, pp. 36-158, [278]-382; Appendix III, Medical Notes on Northern Alaska by G. P. Howe, pp. 451-455; Illus.

Moore, Riley D.

  • 1923 Social Life of the Eskimo of St. Lawrence Island. American Anthropologist n.s. 25(3):339-375; Illus.

Murdoch, John

  • 1892 Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition. In Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology . . ., 1887-’88. Washington: Government Printing Office, pp. 19-441; Illus.
  • 1898a The Animals Known to the Eskimo of Northwestern Alaska. The American Naturalist 32(382):719-734.
  • 1898b Eskimo Boot-Strings. American Anthropologist 11(1):22-23.
  •  1898c Further Note on Eskimo Boot-Strings. American Anthropologist 11(4):122.


Nansen, Fridtjof

  • 1893 Eskimo Life. Translated from the Norwegian by W. Archer. London: Longmans, Green and Co., pp. [v]-xi, 1-350; Illus.

Nellemann, George

  • 1960 Mitârneq: A West Greenland Winter Ceremony. Folk 2:99-112; Notes, pp. 112-113; illus. Illus.

Nelson, Edward William

  • 1899 The Eskimo about Bering Strait. In Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology . . ., 1896-’97. Washington: Government Printing Office, Part 1, pp. 19-518;


Ostermann, H. editor

Ostermann, H., and E. Holtved editors

  • 1952 The Alaskan Eskimos as Described in the Posthumous Notes of Dr. Knud Rasmussen. Translated from the Danish by W. E. Calvert. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition, 1921-24, Copenhagen: Nordisk. vol. 10, no. 3, pp. [9]-266; Appendix, pp. 257-288; Illus.

Oswalt, Wendell H.


Parry, William Edward

Peary, Robert E.

Petersen, Robert

  • 1962 The Last Eskimo Migration into Greenland. Folk 4:95-109; Literature, 109-110; Illus.
  • 1964 The Greenland Tupilak. Folk 6(2):73-100; Literature, pp. 100-101; illus. Illus.
  • 1966 /67 Burial-Forms and Death Cult among the Eskimos. Folk 8-9:259-273; Notes, pp. 274-278; Literature, pp. 278-280.

Petitot, Émile

  • 1981 Among the Chiglit Eskimos. Translated from the French by E. Otto Höhn. Occasional Publication No. 10. Edmonton: Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, pp. i-xi, [1]-199; Notes, pp. 201-202; Illus.
  • 1989 The Asiatic Origin of the Eskimos: A New Ethnographic Study. Translated with notes by R. W. Galaburri. 3 vols. New York: Terra Incognita Books, pp. v, ix-xiii, 1-66; Notes, pp. 67-76; Bibliography, pp. 77-78; Illus.

Porsild, Morten P.

Powers, William E.

  • 1950 Polar Eskimos of Greenland and Their Environment. Journal of Geography Chicago 49(5):186-193.

Presbyterian Board of Publications


Rae, John

Rainey, Froelich G.

  • 1947 The Whale Hunters of Tigara. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, New York vol. 41, pt. 2, pp. 231-232, 235-283.

Rankin, Catherine, and Yves Labrèche

  • 1991 Traditional Ulus and Their Prehistoric Counterparts in the Central and Eastern Arctic. Études/Inuit/Studies 15(1):105-121; References, pp. 122-130. Illus.

Rasmussen, Knud

Rausch, Robert

  • 1951 Notes on the Nunamiut Eskimo and Mammals of the Anaktuvuk Pass Region, Brooks Range, Alaska. Arctic 4(3):147-194; References, pp. 194-195; Illus.

Ray, Dorothy Jean

Ray, Patrick Henry

Rink, Henry [Hinrich]

  • 1877 Danish Greenland: Its People and Its Products. Edited by Robert Brown. London: Henry S. King, pp. v-x; Corrections, pp. xvi-xvii; 1-355; Appendix IV, Vocabulary of Eskimo Words and Names, pp. 394-402; Appendix V, Antiquarian Notes, pp. 403-405; Appendix VI, Miscellaneous Notes, pp. 406-408; Illus.

Rink, Signe

  • 1898a The Girl and the Dogs An Eskimo Folk-Tale with Comments. American Anthropologist 11(6):181-187.
  • 1898b The Girl and the Dogs Further Comments. American Anthropologist 11(7):209-215; Illus.

Ross, John A.

Rowley, Susan

  • 1985 Population Movements in the Canadian Arctic. Études/Inuit/Studies 9(1):3-17; References, pp. 18-21; Illus.

Rubel, Arthur J.


Sabine, Edward

  • 1819 An account of the Esquimaux, who inhabit the west coast of Greenland, above the latitude 76º [in a letter to the editor]. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and Art 7:72-94.

Savelle, James M.

  • 1981 The Nature of Nineteenth Century Inuit Occupations of the High Arctic Islands of Canada. Études/Inuit/Studies 5(2):109-120; References, pp. 120-123; maps. Illus.

Schultz-Lorentzen, C. W.

  • 1928 Intellectual Culture of the Greenlanders. In Greenland: The Past and Present Population . . ., edited by M. Vahl, G. C. Amdrup, L. Bobé, and Ad. S. Jensen. Copenhagen: C. A. Reitzel; London: Oxford University Press, Vol. 2, pp. 209-270; Illus.

Settle, Dionyse

  • 1938 A True report of Capteine Frobisher his last voyage into the West and Northwest regions, this present yere 1577. With a description of the people there inhabiting. In Vilhjalmur Stefansson, editor, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher. Two vols. in one. London: The Argonaut Press, Vol. II, pp. 11-25.

Sharp, Benjamin

Simpson, John

Smith, Harlan Ingersoll

  • 1894 Notes on Eskimo Traditions. Journal of American Folk-Lore 7(24):209-216.

Søby, Regitze Margrethe

  • 1969 /70 The Eskimo Animal Cult. Folk 11-12:43-78.

Sonne, Brigitte

  • 1982 The Ideology and Practice of Blood Feuds in East and West Greenland. Études/Inuit/Studies 6(2):21-49; Bibliography, pp. 49-50.

Steensby, Hans Peder

  • 1909 The Polar Eskimos and the Polar Expeditions. Translated from the Danish by C. A. Bang. Fortnightly Review London 92:891-902 (Nov.).
  • 1910 Contributions to the Ethnology and Anthropogeography of the Polar Eskimos. Meddelelser om Grønland Copenhagen. 34(7):255-405; Illus.
  •  1917 An Anthropogeographical Study of the Origin of the Eskimo Culture. Meddelelser om Grønland Copenhagen. 53(2):39-218; literature, 219-228; illus.; Illus.

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Stoney, George M.


Thalbitzer, William

  • 1910 The Heathen Priests of East Greenland (Angakut). XVI Internationaler Amerikanisten-Kongress, Vienna, 1908, Vienna. Part I, pp. 447-464; Illus.
  • 1914 Ethnographical Collections from East Greenland (Angmagsalik and Nualik) Made by G. Holm, G. Amdrup and J. Petersen and Described by W. Thalbitzer. In The Ammassalik Eskimo: Contributions to the Ethnol Meddelelser om Grønland ogy of the East Greenland Natives. Edited by William Thalbitzer; translated from the Danish by H. M. Kyle. In two parts. First part, Meddelelser om Grønland 39(7):321-667; Addenda, pp. 668-682; Earlier Authors on the Eskimo of the Davis Straits, pp. 682-690; Eskimo and Norsemen in South Greenland, pp. 690-732; List of Works Consulted, pp. 733-741; Complete List of the Objects found in the Amdrup Collection, pp. 742-752; List of the Objects Found in the Thalbitzer Collection, pp. 752-753; Some Remarks on the Holm Collection from Ammassalik, p. 753;Illus.
  • 1925 Cultic Games and Festivals in Greenland. XXIe Congrès International des Americanistes, Deuxième Partie, Gothenburg, 1924, Gothenburg. pp. 236-255; Illus.
  • 1941 Social Customs and Mutual Aid. In The Ammassalik Eskimo: Contributions to the Ethnology of the East Greenland Natives. Edited by William Thalbitzer; translated from the Danish Meddelelser om Grønland Norman Heath Beale and Annie I. Fausbøl. In two parts. Second part, second half-volume, Copenhagen. 40(4):[569]-716; Bibliography, pp. [717]-739; Illus.

Thornton, Harrison Robertson

Turner, Lucien M.

  •  1888 On the Indians and Eskimos of the Ungava District, Labrador. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for the Year 1887, Montreal. vol. 5, sect. 2, pp. 99-108, 118-119.
  • 1894 Ethnology of the Ungava District, Hudson Bay Territory. In Eleventh Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology for the Years 1889-1890. Washington: Government Printing Office, pp. 167-181, 184-267; Illus.


Van de Velde, Frans

  • 1984 Natjiligmiut Customs: The First Seal. Eskimo n.s. v. 27 (Spring-Summer), p. 18; Illus.

Van Valin, William B.

VanStone, James W, translator and editor

Veniaminov, Ivan

  • 1984 Notes on the Islands of the Unalashka District. Translated from the Russian by Lydia Black and R. H. Geoghegan; edited with an introduction by Richard A. Pierce. Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press and The Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Translation Program, pp. 157-379. Illus.


Walker, A. Barclay

Wardle, H. Newell

  • 1900 The Sedna Cycle: A study in Myth Evolution. American Anthropologist n.s. 2(3):568-580.

Weyer, Edward Moffat, Jr.

Wickersham, James

  • 1902 The Eskimo Dance House. American Antiquarian 24:221-223;

Wissler, Clark

  • 1918 Archaeology of the Polar EskimoAnthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, New York vol. 22, pt. 3, pp. 107, 111-166; Illus.
  • 1919 Harpoons and Darts in the Stefánsson Collection. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, New York vol. 14, pt. 2, pp. 399, 403-443;
  • 1920 Arctic Geography and Eskimo Culture: A Review of Steensby’s Work. The Geographical Review New York 9(2):125-138; Illus.

Woolfe, Henry D.


Young, Steven B., and Edwin S. Hall, Jr.


Zolotarev, A. M.

  •   1938 The Ancient Culture of North Asia. American Anthropologist n.s 40(1):13-23.

About this Bibliography

The items in this bibliography were identified as part of the Hubert Wenger Database project in the early 2000s. The articles and books are arranged by author and then date of publication. 

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