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The Library Catalog: Basic Searching

Information on how to use the Library Catalog.

Basic Search in the Library Catalog-- Selecting a Collection

When searching the Library Catalog, you can search the entire collection-- which will search all Alaskan libraries that are members of the ALC (Alaska Library Catalog), or you can limit your search to a specific collection on the UAF campus or Fairbanks area.


To limit your search to a UAF collection, use the All Collections drop-down. 

Collections limiters in the Library Catalog

  • UAF Fairbanks campus libraries searches [xxxxxxx].
  • UAF Rasmuson & BioSciences Library searches for items held at the Rasmuson Library, and the BioSciences Library on the west ridge.
  • UAF Mather Library searches for items held in the Keith Mather Library on the west ridge. 
  • UAF Alaska & Polar Regions searches for items in Rasmuson Library that are specific to Alaska and Polar Regions.
  • UAF Archival Moving Images searches items in Rasmuson Library that are specific to our archival film collection.
  • UAF Media Equipment searches for items in Rasmuson Library that are part of our Technology Lending program.
  • UAF Oral History Collection searches for items in Rasmuson library that are part of our Oral History collection.
  • UAF Video(DVD/VHS) searches for DVD and VHS film in Rasmuson Library. If you're looking for streaming video, use Kanopy
  • UAF Alaska & Polar Periodical Index [xxxxxx].
  • Fairbanks area libraries [xxxxx].
  • Alaska Digital Libraries searches for fiction and non-fiction ebooks and audio books. Alaska Digital Libraries is paid for by the state of Alaska.
  • Course Reserves searches for items at UAF that instructors have put on reserve. This search doesn't work well, so if you have questions call or email the Reference or Circulation desk. 

Search on a Specific Field

When searching the Library Catalog, you can search a specific field. 

For example, if you know the title of a book, search on the Title field.

Searching the Title field in the Library Catalog

  • All Fields searches all of the fields listed below.
  • Title Use this if you know the exact title of the item.
  • Author  Use this is you know the exact spelling of the author of the item. 
  • Keyword in Author headings [xxxxxx]
  • Series [xxxxxx]
  • Subject Use this is you know the library of congress subject heading. 
  • Keyword in Subject headings [xxxxxx]
  • Document ID [xxxxxx]
  • ISSN Use this if you know the ISSN of a periodical. 
  • ISBN Use this if you know the ISBN of a book. 

Use Filters

Use filters to refine your search.

For example, after doing a search, if you're just wanting eBooks, limit your search by checking the Electronic Resource and eBook boxes and clicking Include

Filter searches to just ebooks


Tip What's the difference between the Electronic Resource and Ebook filters?
The Electronic Resource filter searches for ebooks as well as other electronic items, such as streaming video and CD-ROMs.  The Ebook filter searches for ebooks and audiobooks just in the Alaska Digital Library collection. 

Tips and Tricks

  1. Exact Phrase Searching:
    • Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase or title. For example, "Alaska's Fountainhead collection"
  2. Boolean Operators:
    • The Library Catalog supports the Boolean operators AND and NOT
    • The Library Catalog does not support the Boolean operator OR
  3. Need help? Contact the Reference desk!
Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756800
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6800
Phone: 907-474-7481​​
Text: 907-341-4404​

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