When Rasmuson Library doesn't own materials you need, our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) department can request materials from other libraries. You can also use Interlibrary Loan to request PDF scans of book chapters or articles from other libraries or from items held at UAF libraries.
Use ILLiad to make an interlibrary loan request and to check the status of your ILL requests and due dates.
Login to ILLiad with your UA credentials.
Patrons may request the same item a maximum number of 3 times. If you find that you need an item multiple times, please make arrangements to duplicate the portions you need for your research use, or make a suggestion to the Collection Development librarian that the item be purchased for the library's collection.
We attempt to obtain materials free of charge whenever possible, including going to lenders other than those the requesting person may expect. We will absorb most fees associated with transactions, but in cases where fees are excessive, we may have to ask you to pay. We will always contact you first if this is the case.
Please take extra special care of your ILL items. If they are damaged or lost while you have them, you are responsible for all replacement costs and associated fees as determined by the lending library.
ILL can be used to request textbooks, but we do not recommend using ILL for your textbooks as we cannot guarantee you will get the book in time and be able to keep it for the entire semester.
Theses and dissertations may be requested through ILL. If we are unable to find a library that can loan us a particular thesis or dissertation, these titles may be purchased on a case by case basis for patrons via services such as ProQuest Dissertation Express. In most cases, ILL will absorb all fees associated with thesis and dissertation purchases, with no cost on your part. However, in cases where fees are exorbitant, we may request payment. You will always be contacted first under these circumstances.
We will accept ILL requests from other libraries, corporations, and institutions via OCLC and from our online request form.
Rasmuson Library checks out all items for 60 days (USA) and 90 days (International). Please use the following loan periods for your patrons.
Phone: 907-474-1550
Fax: 907-474-5744
Detailed ILL Contact Information