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Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
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Spaces at Rasmuson Library: 24 Hour Study Area

24 Hour Study Area - Rules of Conduct

This study area is provided for the use of UAF students for individual or small group research and study. It is not intended as a completely quiet study area; non-talking areas are available in the library on floors 5 and 6. Group study rooms are available in the library on the 3rd and 5th floors for larger discussion groups. We ask that all users respect other users’ needs and keep unnecessary talking, socialization, and other distractions to a minimum. This space is also not intended as a living space; personal belongings such as sleeping bags, tents, or other large items should not be spread out in this area, but instead should be stowed in lockers available near the library’s south entrance.

The following are permitted in the 24-hour area:

  • Quiet individual or small group study, including conversation at reasonable levels; please be sensitive to the needs of other users
  • Personal computers
  • Eating and drinking (please clean up your own messes and packaging!)
  • Music players with headphones not audible to others
  • Outgoing courtesy phone – please limit calls to 3 minutes so as to create minimal disruption to others, please be courteous with personal cell phone use

The following are prohibited in the 24-hour area:

  • Alcohol, drugs, tobacco use, or illegal activities
  • Soliciting, business activities, conducting surveys or other disruptive activities
  • Destruction or damage to UAF property or equipment
  • Gambling, gaming, parties, or social events
  • Firearms, other weapons
  • Pets, other than helper animals for the disabled
  • Devices such as radios, music players or TVs, if they are audible to other users
  • Use of wheeled recreational devices, i.e. no bike riding, skateboarding, roller-skating inside the building
  • Electrical devices not associated with study, such as coffee pots, popcorn poppers, battery chargers, etc.
  • Long-term (over 24 hour) storage of personal belongings of any type (please use lockers if needed)

Other use:

  • Please supervise all children; UAF policy requires “line of sight” supervision by a parent or guardian at all times
  • Furniture – if you rearrange furniture for group use, please return it to its original location and do not remove it from the room
  • The study area will be closed for approximately 1 hour each day for cleaning by custodial staff; please cooperate with staff so that they can keep the room in good condition for all users

Contact Circulation

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756800
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6800
Phone: 907-474-7481​​
Text: 907-341-4404​

The University of Alaska is an equal opportunity/equal access employer and educational institution. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.