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Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
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Topic Guides: Find Books

About Finding Books

Your best bet for finding books is:

  1. Search the library catalog
  2. Search WorldCat
  3. Search library databases that contain eBooks

Search the Library Catalog for Books & Ebooks



Search the Library Catalog to find books and other materials (e.g., musical scores, maps, video, UAF dissertations, media equipment-- everything but articles) at UAF libraries and other Alaskan libraries

Here are some quick tips for searching the library catalog for books.

  1. To search for books/ebooks accessible from the UAF campus, select the UAF Fairbanks campus libraries drop-down.
    Screenshot of limiting your search to the UAF Fairbanks campus libraries
  2. Limit your search results by format to Book and/or Electronic resource and click Include.
    Screenshot of using the include filter

Search WorldCat to Find Books in Printed Format

If you're looking for a specific book in print format and Rasmuson Library doesn't have a copy, try searching WorldCat.

If you find the book in WorldCat you can request it via Interlibrary Loan. 

Search Library Databases for Ebooks

Not all eBooks make it into the Library Catalog. Below is a list of Rasmuson Library databases containing eBooks.

Free e-books & audio books

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756800
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6800
Phone: 907-474-7481​​
Text: 907-341-4404​

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