When searching the UAF Journals List, your search results will show whether or not Rasmuson Library has access to a specific journal, the years available, and the database in which articles may be found.
For example, in the results below Rasmuson Library has access to articles in the journal entitled International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health from 2004 to present. To access articles in this journal you would click one of the databases listed in the search results.
If you receive a No results for message contact the Reference desk, as we can help you find the journal you're looking for.
When you have a citation for an article, use the Journals List to see if Rasmuson Library has access to that journal and specific article.
For example, if you had the following citation:
Perina, K. (2013). From Parasites to Prejudice. Psychology Today, 46(6), 3.
If you get stuck or can't find the article you need, contact Rasmuson Library and we can help!