Looking for a book that Rasmuson Library doesn't own? Try searching WorldCat.
If Rasmuson Library doesn't own a book, you can borrow a copy using Interlibrary Loan.
Subject searching in the library catalog, or in the WorldCat database, can be an efficient way to find most of the physical materials (books and videos) available in the library.
You can also search by subject in the Library Catalog, by just typing in a subject.
There are many Library of Congress subject terms for engineering materials; below are just a few samples to illustrate how subject headings are formatted. For more assistance using subject headings, ask a librarian.
Q Science
Q300-390 Artificial intelligence
QA Mathematics
QA75-76 Computer Science
QA801-939 Analytical mechanics. Fluid mechanics.
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
R Medicine
R856-857 Biomechanical engineering
T Technology
T55.4-60.8 Industrial engineering
T385 Computer graphics
TA Engineering (general). Civil engineering
TA349-359 Mechanics of engineering
TA401-492 Materials of engineering & construction
TA630-820 Structural engineering. Geotechnical engineering
TC Hydraulic engineering
TD Environmental engineering
TE Highway engineering
TF Railroad engineering & operations
TG Bridge engineering
TH Building construction
TJ Mechanical Engineering & Machinery
TJ210.2-225 Robotics
TJ163 Power Resources
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering.
TK5101-6720 Telecommunications
TK7800-8360 Electronics
TK9001-9401 Nuclear Engineering
TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics
TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
TP Chemical technology
TS Manufacturing