Here are some possibilities for open textbooks for faculty to explore:
- American Institute of Mathematics Open Textbook Initiative
Math textbooks, all levels.
- Great list of open education resources for teachers
From University of Mass Amherst Libraries
- How to Adopt an Open Textbook for Your Class
Online, recorded class sessions for finding and using open textbooks.
- MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
"MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community. "
- Open CourseWare Consortium
Community of higher education institutions, including MIT, committed to open education.
- Open Textbook Library
Open textbooks with reviews by University of Minnesota faculty.
- Openstax College
Free online college textbooks written by faculty, offered by Rice University.
- Science360 Video Library
"Science videos provided by scientists, colleges and universities, science and engineering centers, the National Science Foundation and more." Use these in your classes!
- Wikibooks
Yup, more wiki stuff. This effort is off to a whimper, but maybe it will pick up speed? Right now it's trying to be a Reference Collection.
- Wikiversity
You already know and either love or hate Wikipedia; check this out.
- Open Culture Textbooks