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Kuskokwim Consortium Library Alaska Room Guide

This LibGuide is intended to make navigating the KCL Alaska Room and other Alaska resources a simpler and more user-friendly task. This guide highlights a sampling of the most commonly accessed materials in our robust collection of Alaskana.

Yupik Tradition and Language

The Alaska Room houses a large collection of materials regarding the culture, language, and ways of life of the Yupik people, who have inhabited this part of Southwest Alaska for thousands of years. The following books are some of the library's most popular books in relation to this topic, but only represent a small portion of the books you could find here! 

Our Highlights

Our Language Highlights

Cup'ig Eskimo Dictionary

A innovative and one of the most expansive native language dictionaries. Taken from the dedication of the Cup'ik people of Nunivak Island.

Dictionary of Alaskan English

A dictionary dedicated to the regional dialects and unique diction of the English used in Alaska

UAF Kuskokwim Consortium Library
Phone: 907-543-4516
Physical address:
420 State Highway

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 368
Bethel, AK 99559

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