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APRCA Policies: Procedure for Challenged Materials Digitized & Made Available by APRCA

Procedure for Challenged Materials Digitized and Made Available by the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives

This procedure governs materials digitized and made available online to the public by the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives and shared on resources controlled by the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives. The Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives is not responsible for the uses made by their collection contents by third-parties.

A person who wishes to request the reconsideration of digital material must file a formal written request using the Reconsideration of Digital Material form available at the library or on the Library’s website. A person who wishes to request the reconsideration of Library material must file one form per item for consideration. Once a digital item, such as but not limited to, a photograph, manuscript, film or map, is reviewed, it cannot be reviewed again for a period of three (3) years. Each person is limited to three (3) forms in a month. The person filing a reconsideration must have read or viewed the material in its entirety or the form will not be accepted. The material will remain online until the review is completed and a final decision made. Only materials digitized by the University of Alaska Fairbanks can be considered for review under these procedures. All other library materials must be reviewed using the Procedure for Challenged Materials for general library materials.

The request will be reviewed by the Collection Resources Group which for these requests consists of the head of Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives Unit associated with the materials, and the Collection Development Librarian and at least 1 other Masters degree holding Archivist, Curator, or Librarian. An additional subject matter expert may be added to the committee as deemed necessary. Together, these specialists will follow guidance provided by the American Library Association’s Guidelines for Reconsideration Committees and, based on each collection's selection procedures, will develop a recommendation that will be submitted to the Dean / Director of Libraries. The Dean / Director of Libraries will make the final decision. The patron submitting the request will receive a final written response regarding the matter within 90 days of the Library receiving the request.

General Contact Information


Phone: 907-474-2791​

Text: 907-341-4404

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
Alaska and Polar Regions Collections & Archives
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756808
Fairbanks, Alaska

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
1732 Tanana Loop
PO Box 756800
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-6800
Phone: 907-474-7481​​
Text: 907-341-4404​

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